Civil Engineering Quiz 1

1. The portion of a brick cut across the width, is called

1.   closer
2.   half brick
3.   bed
4.   bat.

2. In jack arch floor, the rise is kept

1.   1/8th of the span
2.   1/6th of the span
3.   1/10th of the span
4.   1/12th of the span

3. Pick up the statement from the following:

1.   Flush door is generally provided in dinning room
2.   Revolving door is generally provided in cinema halls
3.   Sliding door is generally provided in show rooms
4.   Louvered door is generally provided in bath rooms

4. The 9 cm x 9 cm side of a brick as seen in the wall face, is generally known as

1.   stretcher
2.   front
3.   side
4.   header

5. The foundation in which a cantilever beam is provided to join two footings, is known as

1.   strip footing
2.   strap footing
3.   raft footing
4.   combined footing

6. The raft slab is projected beyond the outer walls of the structure by

1.   30 to 45 cm
2.   25 to 30 cm
3.   5 to 10 cm
4.   15 to 20 cm

7. To ensure that supporting area of an offset footing of a boundary wall is fully compressive, the C.G. of load must act

1.   within the middle third of the base
2.   within the middle fifth of the base
3.   at the centre of the base
4.   none of these

8. In case of Raymond pile

1.   diameter of pile at bottom varies from 20 cm to 28 cm
2.   diameter of top of piles varies from 40 cm to 60 cm
3.   thickness of outer shell depends upon pile diameter
4.   all the above.

9. The foundations are placed below ground level, to increase

1.   workability
2.   strength
3.   stability of structure
4.   all the above.

10. The exterior angle between outer faces of a wall, is known as

1.   turn
2.   quion
3.   junction
4.   all

11. Grillage foundation

1.   all
2.   does not require deep cutting as the required base area with required pressure intensity is obtained at a shallow depth
3.   is light and economical
4.   is constructed by rolled steel joists (R.S.J.) placed in single or double tier

12. The concrete slump recommended for beams and slabs ; is

1.   25 to 50 mm
2.   30 to 125 mm
3.   25 to 75 mm
4.   50 to 100 mm

13. Pick up the commonly adopted geophysical method in civil engineering from the following :

1.   the seisomic method
2.   gravitational method
3.   both the seisomic method and electrical resistivity method
4.   electrical resistivity method

14. Queen closer may be placed

1.   in header course next to first brick
2.   in stretcher course
3.   in header course
4.   in stretcher course next to first brick

15. Pick up the statement from the following :

1.   inclined borings are occasionally used instead of vertical holes.
2.   the spacing of inclined borings is kept such that one bore hole is vertically above the bottom of an adjacent bore hole.
3.   inclined borings are made for taking samples under existing structures
4.   all the above.

16. The loose pockets in soil mass can be bridged safely by providing a raft foundation provided the soft area is smaller than

1.   one-third the column spacing
2.   half the column spacing
3.   the column spacing
4.   three-fourth the column spacing

17. Black cotton soil is unsuitable for foundations because its

1.   bearing capacity is low
2.   permeability is uncertain
3.   property to undergo a volumetric change due to variation of moisture content
4.   particles are cohesive

18. Stud(s) of a common wooden partition

1.   is the upper horizontal wooden member
2.   is the lower horizontal wooden member
3.   are the intermediate horizontal wooden members.
4.   are vertical wooden members

19. The taper of precast concrete pile should not be more than

1.   5 cm per metre length.
2.   4 cm per metre length
3.   1 cm per metre length
4.   2 cm per metre length

20. Dado is usually provided in

1.   verandah
2.   dinning halls
3.   living rooms
4.   bath rooms

Answers: 1(4), 2(2), 3(2), 4(4), 5(2), 6(1), 7(1), 8(4), 9(3), 10(2), 11(1), 12(2), 13(3), 14(1), 15(4), 16(4), 17(3), 18(4), 19(4), 20(4)

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